A return to writing

As is often the way with the optimistic English Lit student who decides to start writing a blog when they are a fresher, initially the task is met with a huge wave of enthusiasm and weekly content. Sounds familiar?

This steadily descends into a monthly post, then a bi-annual post. Then yearly. Then - it appears - something might be squeezed out every two years or so. Ringing any bells with anyone?

The bells are certainly ringing with me. Forgive me, friends and family, the internet community - the fug of early adulthood existence with all its impending confusion, glorious highs and crushing lows has impeded my capacity to write. It seems that it has taken a pandemic to bring me back to putting pen to paper (or finger to keyboard) which, oddly, has given me a moment of clarity.

I am lucky enough to have spent the past few years working in libraries ( with my eyes reopened to their role as the great leveller of equality and opportunity for ALL). It will come as no surprise to you that therefore I have also spent the past few years reading all manner of things, without the time constraints of academic deadlines to weigh me down.

My head is full to the brim with books and I need an outlet. With that in mind I hope to return to your screens with thoughts about reading and books, plus chat about life and love and food and fun. Life isn't great for so many at the moment and I hope that my ramblings might provide five minutes of distracting reading to make the days a little brighter.

Imogen x

P. S. If you want a laugh, have a read through my old posts but don't judge my enthusiasm!
