My life in terms of Beatles songs

Having been brought up on their music, without a doubt I would consider The Beatles as my all time favourite band.

The very first CD (child of the nineties, right here) I recieved was 'The Beatles Number One' album. The very first song I took to singing very loudly in my poor parents ears on long car journeys was 'Good Day Sunshine'. The very first band I saw live was a Beatles tribute band, inspirationally named 'The Other Beatles'. Until about 6 months after said event I was convinced I had actually seen The Beatles live... somehow I feel like a sleepy seaside town would not have been their first port of call. Also bearing in mind that, at the time, there were only three of them left (sadly now only two, oh George how we miss you!)  this could have proved tricky.
Bearing in mind the impact their music has had on me, I thought I would attempt to link certain songs with certain hilarious aspects of my life...

1) Help! I'm in a seminar and the tutor has asked a deep and meaningful question which absolutely no one knows the answer to. Deathly silence. Intensely awkward.

2) Yesterday  The day of a terrible hangover.

3) Here Comes the Sun  Rarely considered, bearing in mind I live in Birmingham.

4) Michelle  My vain attempts at reigniting my (poor) AS level French 'skills'.

5) Hello, Goodbye  Being approached by slight odd-balls in nightclubs.

6) Revolution  Accidentally becoming involved in a student protest.

7) Why Don't We Do It In The Road  #pantswatch

8) Day Tripper  Best to avoid certain areas of University accommodation...

9) Baby You Can Drive My Car  On more than one occasion the taxi driver has been the highlight of a night out.

10) All My Loving  Over-excitement when the post arrives.

11) A Hard Days Night  Staggering to a lecture after having stayed out a little too late the night before.

12) I've Just Seen A Face  Encountering someone who knows your name and your course and where you are living and apparently you met up during Freshers... and you have absolutely no idea who on Earth they are...

13) All You Need Is Love  Swap 'love' with 'tea' and you have my flat summed up in one.

Thank goodness for The Beatles... au revoir! :)
